Latest Trends and Tips

Event Organizers

Maximize Your Event Management with Boothsquare

The stages of event planning
Anyone who has ever organized professional events knows this: a lack of preparation and organization upstream can result in a lot of mistakes, a loss of time and even money. Hence, good preparation is necessary to define the ins and outs of an event, whether it's virtual or face-to-face...
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The challenges of organizing an event
Organizing an event is rarely a relaxing experience! Some events are organized weeks or even months in advance but, unfortunately, something unexpected can always happen. Here are some contingencies and areas to work on, which you can anticipate in order to maximize your chances of success...
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Unlock Your Exhibition Potential with Boothsquare

Are you participating in an event as an exhibitor? Here are some tips to ensure its success!
An event is a good way to meet your clients, prospects, partners or future employees! Here are a few tips to help you put all the chances on your side and thus favour the success of your event...
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An easy way to find the event you'd like to participate in as a trade show exhibitor!
Are you a business owner and do you want greater visibility for your services? Or do you simply want to meet your clients and prospects directly? One of the most effective ways to do this is to become an exhibitor at events. Whatever their size, events are indeed the ideal way to reinforce your branding and identify leads, and therefore future clients! However, participating in a trade show requires a certain amount of preparation and organization to be successfu....
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Service Providers

Enhance Your Event Service Offerings with Boothsquare

Service providers, key participants in an event's success
Service providers are involved in many aspects of events and are part of its ultimate success. They provide a variety of services: parking valets, decorators, hostesses and stewards or caterers who prepare dishes if the event organizer wishes to offer their guests appetizers...
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Event service providers: How to effectively manage your clients requests
As a service provider, you're first and foremost a specialist and probably even an enthusiast. You have in-depth knowledge of your field, you know the challenges and you perhaps even have experience that you can use and make available to your future clients. However, the success of your services will also depend on other parameters, related to the management of your future clients' expectations....
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