August 29th, 2012
September 2nd, 2012
agraria 2012
Event Information
Discover the perfect platform to showcase your products and services in the agricultural industry at agraria 2012. This highly anticipated event, which is held concurrently with the Autumn Fair, offers a unique opportunity for exhibitors to connect with a diverse range of potential customers and industry professionals.
With its prime location at Messeplatz 1, Wels, Austria, agraria 2012 attracts a large number of visitors who are eager to explore the latest innovations and trends in the agricultural sector. By participating in this event, exhibitors can gain valuable exposure and establish themselves as leaders in the industry.
Whether you specialize in machinery, equipment, technology, or services related to agriculture, agraria 2012 provides a platform for you to showcase your offerings to a targeted audience. Don't miss out on the chance to network with key decision-makers, forge new partnerships, and generate leads that can drive your business forward. Join us at agraria 2012 and make a lasting impression on the agricultural community.
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Messe Wels GmbH & Co KG
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